How to buy PG HG winch G8

  1. Email us your shipping destination address and company VAT if it’s registered within EU.
  2. We will calculate the lead time, check the best shipping option and send you Prepayment Invoice.
  3. Once we receive your payment – winch is shipped. We provide worldwide delivery.
Paraglider winch G8 box. Dimensions 60x60x40cm

PG HG winch G8 set includes

  1. Winch
  2. Winch kite
  3. 1600m 2.6mm dyneema line
  4. Power cable set.

Worldwide shipping

Due to small dimensions and weight winch can be easily delivered worldwide. Standard shipment weight is 70kg including packaging. Deliery within Europe 5-7 days. Worldwide 7-14 days.

To calculate shipping price please provide us with your adress and post code.